Fear and greed, it has been said, are the two primal emotions that have propelled human civilization. Of course, both have their dark side, too.
Greed is positive and productive when channeled toward personal and professional improvement. But it turns ugly in pursuit of a single-minded or selfish outcome. When fear delivers important information it’s not only useful, it’s essential. But it can also morph into paranoia, or cause inaction.
As I’ve discussed recently in this space, at this very moment, the nature of fear and greed is changing. For 10,000 years, the only form humans have known has been analog. This means any leveraging of them was likely mechanical, moving no faster than the speed of sound.
But today, we’re fully across the digital Rubicon and there’s no turning back. In this new universe, fear and greed are being leveraged with a force that moves at the speed of light. And the new rules of this paradigm shift – transitioning from analog rpm to digital GHz – are putting pressure on our ability to keep up, armed only with ancient analog ethics.
But fear and greed are not our only productive motivators. In fact, six others not only contributed to human development alongside fear and greed all those years but have also had a more consistently positive impact on the marketplace. [Continue Reading]