Spend time in the marketplace and you’ll have many close encounters of the third kind with the most interesting species in all of nature: the human customer. And as we’ve learned, the nature of this being isn’t much different from other animals: All need to breathe, eat, drink, procreate and survive.
But there is something that clearly sets human customers apart from other fauna: sentience. And one of the manifestations of this self-awareness is that beyond what customers need, they’re the only lifeform on planet Earth that also wants. Your customers want things.
Every human who owns an automobile will need to buy new tires. But what they want is to keep the family safe without spending an entire Saturday shopping for tires. So, if you’re in the tire business, should you advertise that you sell tires, which are commodities that the Big Boxes can sell cheaper than your cost? Or should you develop, market and execute a customer loyalty program that combines peace-of-mind for the customer’s family with pick-up and delivery? How about this tagline:
“Let us help you keep your family safe when it’s time for new tires, and we’ll give you your Saturday back.”